Emerge Apps Blog

Opening Doors with OSHA: Use This Cold Call and Email Script

Written by Dustin Boss | Jun 12, 2018 11:00:00 AM

OSHA compliance is a great way to grab a prospect’s attention, particularly with the July 1 deadline looming for many employers to comply with the new OSHA recordkeeping requirement. (And if you’re not very comfortable with OSHA compliance, that’s okay. You can still offer OSHA support to prove your value to prospects, using the resources below.)

When you reach out to prospects providing only value (with no talk of insurance or trying to book a meeting), those prospects will think highly of you and begin to doubt their agent. After the July 1 deadline, you can circle back to these prospects to discuss other ways you can help their business—or they might even call you first.

Below is a sample cold call and email script to talk about the new OSHA requirement to prospects (along with some educational resources to send).

Important note: The new rule only applies to employers with 250+ employees, and smaller employers in these industries. Only reach out to prospects who fit those parameters.

Cold call script

Hi [prospect name]. I’m [name] from [agency] and I’m calling to make sure you were aware of the upcoming July 1st deadline to comply with the new OSHA requirement. Has your agent talked to you about this?

If prospect says no they aren’t aware and/or their agent hasn’t discussed with them…

Because you [have over 250 employees / are in X industry], OSHA now requires that you submit your OSHA 300A data electronically to their website. The deadline to submit 2017 data is July 1st, and since OSHA just increased their penalty amounts, employers who miss the deadline could be paying thousands in penalties. I’d love to send you some more information on the regulation and how to comply. How does that sound?

If the prospect is already aware of the new requirement, offer to send some educational resources to help them comply.

Voicemail script

Hi [prospect name]. I’m [name] from [agency] and I’m calling to make sure you were aware of the upcoming July 1st deadline to comply with the new OSHA requirement. Because you [have over 250 employees / are in X industry], OSHA now requires that you submit your OSHA 300A data electronically to their website. The deadline to submit 2017 data is July 1st, and since OSHA just increased their penalty amounts, employers who miss the deadline could be paying thousands in penalties. I’m going to email you some educational resources to help you comply.

Email script

Hi [prospect name],

[We just spoke on the phone / I just left you a voicemail] about the upcoming July 1 deadline to comply with the new OSHA requirement.

Here is some more information about the new rule, including instructions for how to electronically submit your data.

  • Comprehensive compliance guidebook
  • Infographic visually showing all essential information
I hope you find these resources helpful!


See below to download the compliance guidebook and infographic to include in this email!

Essential resources

The following resources are perfect to provide to prospects (and clients) to educate on the new regulation. (You can also check them out to brush up on the new rule yourself.)

  • Infographic visually displaying all the essential details on the new rule, including how to comply and potential penalties for noncompliance