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Open Doors Using the Annual March 2 OSHA Submission Deadline

March 2 is a critical OSHA deadline for employers—and presents a great opportunity for agents to outshine the incumbent.
Open Doors Using the Annual March 2 OSHA Submission Deadline

March 2 is an important deadline for employers to electronically submit their annual OSHA 300A data. However, many employers may not remember this critical deadline—and most agents aren’t educating their clients on it. This creates a perfect opportunity for you to educate prospects and expose their incumbent agent, positioning yourself to take the AOR.

Using the topic of the impending deadline, winning over a prospect can be as simple as this four-step process, making it a no-brainer to give you their business.


Step 1: Educate to Get in the Door

As you know, few employers are interested in getting a cold call about their insurance. Instead, you want to open the conversation by educating and providing value. Call any prospect and ask these simple questions:

    1. Are you prepared to comply with the March 2 OSHA recordkeeping deadline?
    2. Has your agent reminded you or helped you get ready?

If they are unaware of the looming deadline or their agent has failed to bring it up, you have a huge opportunity to build trust. Educate the employer on these important OSHA compliance topics and focus on the risk of huge fines for noncompliance (a risk they can’t buy insurance for).


Step 2: Offer Up Some Free Value

If the prospect's agent fails to mention the March 2 deadline, you have an opportunity to add significant value by providing assistance. Begin by offering to thoroughly review and organize their OSHA recordkeeping data to ensure it is in order ahead of the deadline. Additionally, guide them through the process of submitting their data electronically, showcasing how straightforward and efficient it can be.

Share these valuable educational resources as well:

Simplify the submission process even further using OSHAlogs, an app that makes it easy for employers to record incidents, analyze injury data, and electronically submit records to OSHA.


Step 3: Expose Their Agent’s Weaknesses

To really drive a wedge between the employer and their agent, go beyond OSHA recordkeeping and switch the focus to workers’ comp. When auditing an employer’s OSHA data, you’ll get access to their injury logs and can also request their experience mod.

Analyze their incidents and conduct an ex-mod analysis to determine if they’re paying too much for workers’ comp. Then share those results with the employer—and make their agent look weak for not having these conversations.


Step 4: Win the Business

This process will show your prospect all the value you can provide as their agent, beyond just quoting their insurance. Emphasize that your philosophy is lowering overall risk within their business, which will save them money on risks averted and insurance premiums.

Keep in mind that they may not give you their business right away, but you’ve taken a huge first step in exposing their current agent’s weaknesses and casting doubt in the prospect’s mind. Continue to follow up in advance of the March 2 deadline and build that relationship.

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