Remember those old ads that promised “Use this one simple trick to save a ton of money...”? Here’s one small trick that actually works.
That powerful tool in your arsenal for winning over prospects is leveraging the Experience Rating Adjustment (ERA) program, a crucial component of workers' comp in many states. The ERA program allows for substantial discounts on medical-only claims when managed properly, which can result in significant savings on premiums for your clients.
However, not all agents educate their clients on how to take advantage of this program or offer the proactive claims management and return-to-work support that could reduce their mod score and, ultimately, their premiums. By positioning yourself as the agent who can reveal hidden savings and help clients lower their mod through ERA, you’ll not only challenge the incumbent but also establish your expertise as a valuable partner.
Use this resource to educate prospects on the ERA program and cast doubt in their mind regarding their current work comp agent.
The ERA program is a cost-modifying feature used in most states as part of the experience modification calculation. Under ERA, medical-only claims are discounted by 70% in the calculation of a company's experience modification factor (mod). This distinction is critical because it directly affects how much a company pays in work comp premiums. Here’s why ERA matters:
Many employers are unaware of this program or how to use it effectively, which is where proactive insurance agents can make a difference by educating them on the financial impact and helping implement practices to manage claims effectively.
Send your prospects (and clients) this simple resource explaining the ERA program and why it matters: Are You Taking Advantage of the Work Comp ERA Program?
While ERA offers a valuable opportunity for cost savings, many employers miss out on these benefits for the following reasons:
This oversight creates a prime opportunity for proactive agents to engage prospects by explaining how ERA works, performing mod analyses, and showing how better claims management could save them money.
To attract new clients and convert prospects, it’s essential to show them the potential value of ERA and what they might be missing out on due to inadequate guidance from their current agent. Here’s how you can position ERA as your unique selling point and make a compelling case for switching.
Start by explaining ERA and the 70% discount on medical-only claims. Break down the difference between medical-only and lost-time claims, using clear, accessible language. For example:
“Did you know that medical-only claims are calculated at only 30% of their actual value? This means your premiums are lower when claims are managed effectively. Lost-time claims, on the other hand, are calculated at 100% and drive your costs up.”
Most employers don’t realize the difference this can make on their overall mod score. Use industry-specific examples to make this clear, showing them the potential savings they may be leaving on the table.
Explain how a return-to-work (RTW) program helps keep claims classified as medical-only, protecting the mod from unnecessary increases. With an effective RTW program, employees can come back to modified duties rather than taking time off, keeping claims from becoming lost-time.
“A strong return-to-work program is not just about getting employees back sooner—it’s also a cost-saving strategy. By bringing employees back to modified work, you prevent claims from escalating to lost-time status and keep your mod low. This can translate to tens of thousands of dollars in annual premium savings.”
Offer to perform a mod analysis for prospects, showing them where they could have reduced claims costs if they’d used the ERA effectively. A mod analysis can serve as a powerful visual tool to highlight areas for improvement and reinforce the notion that you’re the agent who can help them save.
“Let me show you a breakdown of your mod score with a free mod analysis. I can help you see where minor adjustments in claims management could lower your mod and reduce your premiums.”
In your analysis, highlight how different claims affected their mod and demonstrate what they could be paying if claims were classified as medical-only. This is a concrete, data-driven way to showcase the cost implications of their current program and provide a roadmap for improvement.
Emphasize the support you provide in mod management and claims handling, framing it as a service their incumbent agent might not be delivering. Explain that while insurance policies are standard, strategic claims management and mod analysis aren’t, and that’s where you stand apart.
“Your current agent might not be helping you manage your mod to its full potential, which could mean you’re paying more in premiums than necessary. With my approach, you’re not just getting a policy—you’re getting strategic insights into your mod score, claims handling, and a return-to-work program to keep costs low.”
By presenting yourself as a proactive partner in claims management, you set the stage for a long-term relationship built on savings and support. Many employers appreciate the opportunity to cut costs but may need your guidance to implement changes.
Here’s how to structure the support you provide:
By proactively educating prospects about the ERA program and offering them strategic mod management, you’re not just selling a policy—you’re presenting a unique, data-driven approach to saving money. This strategy puts you in the driver’s seat to challenge the incumbent, show the prospect what they’re missing out on, and provide a clear, actionable plan for optimizing their work comp expenses.
While anyone can calculate a mod with the right information, the right mod software makes it much easier. Be sure to check out ModSure, a mod platform created by work comp experts that blends in-depth experience mod analysis with powerful sales strategies.