Emerge Apps Blog

Agents: Improve Insurance Prospecting With OSHA Recordkeeping

Written by Dustin Boss | May 24, 2024 at 8:27 PM

You’re likely aware of the annual March 2 deadline for many employers to electronically submit their OSHA records. However you (and your competition) may not be aware that OSHA made some major changes to this requirement in 2023.

What does this mean for you? Besides using it as a way to add value to your client relationships, this type of compliance update is a prime opportunity for you to reach out to prospects and offer your help.

By doing this effectively, you can begin building trust that can turn into an AOR in the future, while making prospects wonder why their current agent didn’t share this valuable information with them. Learn how to make this strategy pay off in this blog.


1. Understand the new requirements

You don’t have to be an OSHA expert to provide critical guidance and support to clients and prospects. Start by learning about the rule yourself (this guidebook is a great cheat sheet for what has changed and who it impacts).

The biggest change to note is that many employers are now required to electronically submit even more OSHA data annually. That change took effect Jan. 1, 2024, so many employers are still unfamiliar and may risk noncompliance if they aren't made aware.


2. Create your target list of prospects

The employers most impacted by this change are those with 100+ employees in certain designated industries, such as many within agriculture, construction, and manufacturing.

Review top prospects in your area and pinpoint those that fit these requirements, as they have the most to lose from failing to comply with this updated requirement.


3. Lead with value

As you know, most employers won’t make time for agents inquiring about their insurance, so leave that discussion for another time. Get in the door and jumpstart the relationship by educating them on the updated OSHA requirements and offering your support.

    1. Start by asking if they are aware of the updated OSHA recordkeeping requirements that impact their business, and whether their agent has discussed this with them yet.
    2. Let them know that their size and industry means they likely have expanded compliance requirements that they must meet by March 2, 2025. Provide this guidebook as an educational tool.
    3. Ask if they feel confident that all their OSHA records are up to date and accurate. Inform them that over-reporting incidents can be just as dangerous as under-reporting, as now OSHA publishes all electronic submissions on a public website for regulators, competitors, investors, and workers to see.
    4. Offer to answer any questions they have or even audit their OSHA logs to provide guidance that will help them prepare for the deadline.
    5. Keep the relationship going after your initial conversation. Continue to send helpful resources and offer help periodically. You may even consider offering them additional free support to further win their trust, such as OSHA reporting software like OSHAlogs to massively simplify the recordkeeping process.